Born of enterprise necessity, fueled by community, and unleashed for all.

Next Gen Infrastructure at Your Fingertips


Made Easy and Accessible

Raspberry Pi CM5 

Speed up the platform with using Raspberry Pi 5 CM5 wit ComputeBlade platform.

Fit up to 20 Compute Blades Into a 19-inch 1U Rack

This compact and efficient setup is ideal for businesses looking to optimize their server room space without compromising on performance. Whether you're running a data center, managing an enterprise IT infrastructure, or setting up a powerful home lab, our Compute Blades offer a high-density solution. No special cooling is required and power is supplied via Ethernet (PoE).

  • UP TO







We Deliver Personalized 
and Targeted Experiences Out of the Box

Simplifying and automating the development and management of on-premise cluster environments is at the heart of what we do. Our solutions are designed to streamline complex processes, turning what was once a daunting task into a manageable and efficient experience.

Home labs

Build a powerful, enterprise-level home lab environment that you can use to build, play with, and learn about technologies.

Hosting provider

Provide dedicated resources and isolate customer machines on a physical layer, to protect against modern CPU/hypervisor exploits.

Edge servers

Reduce latency and extend compute power to make your processes leaner, more efficient, and more cost-effective.

CI/CD systems

Perform performance tests on dedicated hardware for results that are far more stable than running tests on virtual machines.

The First 12k Compute Blades are 
in Production!

Pledged $1,362,303 to Bring this project to Life.

Feedback from the Kickstarter campaign has shaped the most versatile device to squeeze all the juice out of the Raspberry Pi4 CM.

The cluster computing market is undergoing a significant transformation as organizations embrace modern architectures, such as microservices and containerization, and harness the power of big data analytics and artificial intelligence. These advancements have fueled the demand for efficient cluster development and management solutions that can handle the complexities of these dynamic environments.

The Discord Community 
is Helping to Make This Project Useful to Everyone From Beginners to Large Scale Organizations

Media Coverage

{ Apr 3, 2024 }

Best Raspberry Pi Accessories of 2024

{ Nov 17, 2023 }

You don't have to flip this Magic Mouse hack over to charge

{ Nov 17, 2023 }

Hacker fixes Apple Magic Mouse's most glaring design flaws, including its oft-maligned charge port

{ Nov 17, 2023 }

This Engineer Created The 'World's First Ergonomic Magic Mouse With No Weaknesses'

{ Nov 17, 2023 }

Hacker fixes Apple Magic Mouse's most glaring design flaws, including its oft-maligned charge port

{ Nov 17, 2023 }

Someone just fixed Apple's infamous Magic Mouse design crime

{ Nov 17, 2023 }

The Magic Mouse has been fixed, but not by Apple

{ Nov 18 2023 }

Apple's Magic Mouse hacked to be ergonomic

{ Nov 18, 2023 }

Un hacker tente de rendre la Magic Mouse utilisable avec de l'USB-C

{ Nov 18, 2023 }Hacker News

I Hacked the Magic Mouse

{ Aug 2, 2023 }

Modder powers Apple Mac Mini entirely through Ethernet

{ Aug 1, 2023 }

No Outlet Needed: Mac Mini Mod Powered By Ethernet Only

{ Aug 1, 2023 }

Ingenious hack powers M1 Mac mini with Ethernet cable

{ Aug 1, 2023 }

Apple’s M1 Mac Mini is transformed into a PoE network port for power supply

{ Aug 1, 2023 }

Bastelprojekt: Mac mini M1 läuft ohne Stromkabel

{ Jun 6, 2023 }

Raspberry Pi 4 als Blade-Server

{ May 17, 2023 }

Compute Blade Review: Raspberry Pi on a Server Rack

{ Feb 13, 2023 }

Raspberry Pi Powered Compute Blade Makes the Cut

{ May 9, 2023 }

Compute Blade for the Raspberry Pi Compute Module

{ Feb 10, 2023 }

Ivan Kuleshov's Uptime Compute Blade Is an Enterprise-Grade Raspberry Pi CM4 Cluster Solution

{ Oct 27, 2022 }

Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4 Delidded and Overclocked to 2.5 GHz

{ Oct 26, 2022 }

Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4 Overclocking Benchmark

{ Oct 26, 2022 }reddit

I scalped the Raspberry Pi CM4 and reached 2.5GHz


The project received a lot of publicity after a Compute Blade 0.6 review

Compute Blade review from Michael Klements


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